Jargon Buster


Parish Communion / Holy Communion / Eucharist / Family Communion /   These are all different ways of how we celebrate Jesus’ last meals with his disciples
Holy Baptism   Another way of saying Christening

When we gather with other local churches to worship and work together


Dwelling:   Our Evening Service at 6.30
  Prayer & Praise   An informal service with a mixture of prayers, a small sermon and modern songs
  Healing Service

A service where we gather to ask for healing for a range of issues


A beautiful service that is very reflective and contemplative.

  Compline & Evening Prayer

These are both simple prayers that help us rewind ready for the week ahead



Linking us to our rich heritage, this service uses traditional language and structure and is accompanied by our full choir.



Whatever your background, prayer is a huge part of many peoples’ lives
Here are some of the ways we help people on their journey:


Losing someone you’ve loved and lost is really hard and being able to remember them before God is important. 

We light candles at all the major Remembrance and Memorial services, as well as at Christmas, Easter and on Mothering Sunday and Father’s Day. 

At Christmas, we also write messages of remembrance and add them to our Christmas Trees.

Moreover, if church is open, you’re welcome to come in a light a candle whenever you want.

Sometimes life is hard and unrelenting and you need some prayer.

We have a confidential Prayer Circle that you can contact at any time.

We also pray for people individually if you’d like us to at services and in our Morning Prayer groups.

We also pray for each other in our house groups or small collectives when we support and encourage each other.

The clergy are often contacted personally or perhaps through the various social media avenues and we always treat them confidentially. 


We also pray for the life of the church and our community.

We have a prayer group that meets each month after the mid week service.

We also pray for each street in our Parish throughout the year.



We value, and affirm, the work of all those in medicine who bring healing to so very many.
Sometimes, adding prayer into that mix is an important source of healing and comfort.
Therefore, we offer healing on the first Sunday of each month, and also at a specified ‘Healing Service’ twice a year.

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