
6.  South Transept window showing the Story of St Edmund              

This window depicts the story of Edmund, King and Martyr, the Patron Saint of the parish (and during the Middle Ages the Patron Saint of England).                                                                                                             

St Edmund was King of East Anglia from AD 855 (crowned at only 15 years old) to 869.  He was killed by Danish invaders on 20 November 869 after refusing to denounce his Christianity. Edmund was tied to a tree as a target for Danish archers and then beheaded.  Legend has it that when friends came to collect his body they could see a wolf guarding the head in some bushes.

The story is illustrated in twelve scenes in four tiers of three. Eight lights in two windows are designed to be seen together but separated by a structural pier.

Designed by Rupert Moore for James Powell & Son.  Installed in 1970 at a cost of £2400, the window was a gift of Mrs Marie Ridge.  Sadly Mrs Ridge died in December 1968 but she would have seen the design before she died.

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